Choose your dragon: Various types of dragon tattoos

Dragon Tattoo

Either in reality or in fantasies, dragon has always remained a fascinating and a mysterious character for the mankind. The character of ferocious dragons can be heard and seen in many stories, movies or mythologies. Dragon is the most popular subject in tattoos these days. The tattoos of dragons can never be outdated, they will be always in fashion. There are basically two types of dragons namely eastern dragons and western dragons. The eastern dragons are wingless and good in nature whereas the western dragons have wings, spit fire and are the evil ones. There are many variations of dragons other than the two main types. The meaning of a dragon tattoo differs with its design, either it can be a symbol of peace and purity or it can be a symbol of rage and misery. A dragon tattoo also represents different meaning on different sex. A tattoo of a dragon on the body of a women signifies gracefulness, assertiveness, superiority and confidence. A design of a dragon tattoo on man represents power, wisdom and sacredness of being a guardian. There are varieties of dragons in the history. They are as follows:

1. Mesopotamian Dragons

The myth of the Mesopotamian dragons was cut out at clay pieces and they are the ones who battled against the hero god. They are the ones who stopped floods, guard treasures and contribute knowledge.

2. Babylonian Dragons

In the myth of Babylonian, dragons helped the Gods in the creation of the world. There were also some evil dragons in the myth who infuriated the Gods. In the history of Babylonian, it is said that a dragon was kept in a temple to be worshiped.

3. Sumerian Dragons

In the history of Sumerians, it is believed that some dragons fed on human beings for their food. According to the myth, the dragons were devious and tricky.

3. Chinese Dragons

Chinese myth depicts dragons as sacred and they worship them. It was believed that the dragons were liable to rainfalls in different places of China. The dragon also has a vital part in the festivals of the Chinese culture. The dragon dance is popular in China among the natives. According to the Chinese, dragon symbolizes power and prosperity of their nation. The Chinese dragon’s foot consists of five claws.

4. Japanese Dragons

In the myth of the Japanese, it is believed that the dragon king lived inside the sea in a palace. He was a furious dragon with uncontrollable rage. The Japanese dragon’s foot consists of four claws.

5. Vietnamese Dragons

The story in the Vietnamese myth about the dragon is that they were generous. It is said that the dragon king gifted a person who saved his life with his daughter. The Vietnamese dragon’s foot consists of only three claws.

There are several stories, mythologies and history about dragons in almost every part of the world. Whether you make a tattoo of a coiling dragon or a dragon with or without wings or a firing dragon; it is your personality which would enhance the beauty of the tattoo. A beautifully drawn tattoo makes a bold statement whereas the same design can be less attractive in a different person. It is also believed to choose a good and experienced tattoo artist to get the perfect dragon tattoo. Dragon tattoos can be either in black and white or you can get a dragon tattoo containing vibrant colors.

There are no specific area on the body where a dragon tattoo would not be suiting you. Other than the regular parts of having tattoos such as arms, wrists, nape and shoulder, you can get a dragon tattoo anywhere and any size you want. A hardcore tattoo lover could even get a tattoo of a dragon which starts from his ankle, moves up through his legs and torso and ends up on his chest. An expert tattoo artist can make the same design of the dragon tattoo shrink as well as spread to a larger area.

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